Standing Committees
American Merchant Marine Library - Anne Bush Audit - Dr. Mary James - Audit Assistants - Nancy Carr, Lynn Constan Budget and Finance - Carla Riley Constitution and By-Laws - Cindy Waters, Jo Hill, Jackie Utley Correct Use of the Flag - Teresa Deathridge Flora Adams Darling Daughters (FADDS) - Marissa Lemley Brown Fort McHenry - Johnda Carey Burdette Historical Landmarks - Jeanette T. Maddox Insignia - Susan Bock Lineage & Historical Records - Gail Brosk Markers & Graves Locations - Madalyn R. Williams Membership - Jan McGill Membership Certificates - Jill Jones-Lazuka National Defense - Katherine "Kathy" McClelland National Headquarters - Olivia Bates Chandler Newsletter - Renee Hamilton Printed Supplies - Patricia Freeman Public Relations - Janie Bitner Schools - Janet Cantrell |
Service to Veterans - Linda Dinwiddie Tochen
Star Spangled Banner Flag House - Dianne Breyfogle Special Committees 1812 Ancestor Plaques - Brenda Sue Jones Wyatt 1812 Era Newspaper Collection - Dr. Mary James Chalmette Battlefield - Kendall Leigh Kinler eCommunications - Linda L. Mansur Junior Membership - Jennifer Rowan Natchez Trace - Ellen Betts Old Fort Niagra - Jeanette Williams Patriotic Education - Betty Higdon Brown Real Daughters/Real Granddaughters - Emily Townes River Raisin Battlefield - Cathy Chandler King St. Michael’s and All Angel’s Church - Gail Jennings CDCE/VAVS - Linda Dinwiddie Tochen, Deputy Rep. Marion Davis, Deputy Rep. Patty Nauman (Memphis); Nastassia Taylor, Deputy Rep. Rosella Taylor (Mountain Home); Felicia Hix (Murfreesboro); Joy Graham (Nashville) Special State Committees Anchor Clusters - Debra Wilson Credentials - Colleen Spears Hermitage Liaison - Linda L. Mansur Pages - Teresa Deathridge Spirit of 1812 Award - Eve Thomas |